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Story Time

Story time

A friend of mine told me this story...

She went to visit her friends and family in Portland for 2 weeks.

When she got out there she told her friend she wanted to see the ocean, more specifically she really wanted to visit a place called Rainbow Beach. It was supposed to be a cove with forest around it, with sand and gorgeous rainbow rock. Neither her or her friend had been to this place.

Unfortunately the weather wasn’t very great and rained most of her trip. It didn’t look as though they would get to venture out there as her time to departure was only a few days away.

Disappointed she figured it wasn’t meant to be.

To her surprise 2 days before her trip home, the weather cleared up and it was going to be a perfect sunny day.

Her friend called her up and asked if they should head to the coast to try and get some ocean time. At this point they didn’t care what beach or park they went to as long as it was near the ocean.

As they got closer to the coast they realized how busy the beaches were since it was such a nice day. They also realized how difficult it was to find parking as the small pocket of beaches were crowded. So they decided to venture down the coast a bit further to find some other beaches. As they drove, they passed a beautiful park full of willow trees. She loved willow trees. She suggested to her friend that maybe they just give up on finding a beach and sit under a willow tree to have a picnic and enjoy the little time they had left together. Her friend almost agreed but missed the turn off into the willow tree park and was forced to continue driving. They continued on driving, however all along the way they kept saying how they should just should turn around to go back to the willow tree they saw in that park. Determined to head back towards the willow tree park, they missed another turn as they were in the wrong lane. Missing the turn ended up taking them on a back road towards another park, Unfortunately there was no parking nor was the scenery very inviting. So they continued down another road to another park, missing another turn they ended up down a windy back road that lead them to a rose garden. All the while joking how they should really go back to thot beautiful park with the willow trees, even though it wasn’t near the ocean. If only they had just stopped when they saw it they could be soaking up the sun already. Reluctant to do anything at this point they decided to stop at this rose park and see if they could find a picnic table. As they walked they couldn’t find anywhere comfortable to sit, they ended up on a path nowhere near the ocean. Out of nowhere they noticed these wooden stairs that went straight down into a forest. There must have been over 500 stairs that went straight down into what seemed like an abyss. Intrigued they decided to venture down since nothing had worked out this far. As they walked down the stairs they continued to joke about how they should have stopped at the first park with the beautiful willow trees. After walking what seemed like an eternity of steps, they reached the bottom of the stairs. As they turned the corner, their mouths dropped. To their surprise they had walked right into the most magical place. It was breath taking. Before their eyes was crystal clear ocean, laced with beautiful trees and a sandy beach with beautiful colourful rocks woven throughout the shoreline. Secluded with only a handful of people. It was beyond perfect. Absolutely amazed they set up their picnic and spent hours enjoying the mystical beach and ocean air.

As their day came to an end they ventured back and got in the car to head home. As they drove out of the park onto the the main road , the road they should have taken to get there, my friend looked up and happened to see a sign partially hidden by a tree.

The sign said

“ Welcome to Rainbow Beach”

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