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Tales of Success



Success is easy!


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" Change is hard"- thats programming i no longer subscribe to... instead I say

"it's easy and simple", because it is.

You make up stories to convince yourself you deserve to suffer because you've been taught life is hard, but it's self induced.

It's uncomfortable, it's unfamiliar, it requires new skills... however you are more powerful than you even know.

The Author

" Sheryne

has far surpassed anything

I've experienced"

" Working with Inner Mind Performance is like no other. I've experienced a wide variety of natural and traditional health and mental modalities, but the combination of insight and skills Sheryne has, has far surpassed anything I've experienced. She is able to suss out the deepest hurdles I had around my personal and professional life that not even I realized, yet it was everything I was ready to face. This is huge when you're trying to move forward in life as having someone who can truly find your blind spots in a gentle and caring way with a catalyst for real change is unmatchable. Sheryne ultimately finds every connection or disconnection between your mind and your body and how they can work together to propel you forward in your life. If you are ready for real change, this is where you need to be."

The Business Professional

"Making business decisions has never been easier"

 I had a very successful business man come to me who wanted to expand his already lucrative overseas company. He was struggling to make a shift into his new role, while needing to make some important decisions around hiring some new employees. Recognizing that he was hesitant to make these decisions, hostile towards his current employees and struggling with relationships outside of work due to the distant loss of his father. Wanting to prove to his late father  and many others that he was now a prominent leader in business. He hadn't yet recognized the need to reconcile the loss of his father and that the answers he needed were within himself. Through a number of Inner Mind sessions he was able to deal with a handful of unhealthy behavioural patterns, releasing his frustration towards himself and the need of approval from others. He was able to make decisions confidently, perform at the level he always knew he was capable of and launch another company without hesitation.

The Real Estate Agent

"I get up at 5 am ready to take on the day"

I had a young woman seeking Inner Mind Performance who was just stepping into her new career in the world of Real Estate. She had done a number of self development courses, read many inspiring development and business books, and was actively taking the steps to further her career, however she felt stuck and intimidated, and lacked the energy she needed to get started. She had huge goals around wanting to be in the top 100 Real Estate Agents in the city. Through a number of Inner Mind Performance sessions, she was able to recognize her need for boundaries in her work and life, allowing her the balance she needed to fully take off in her career. She also reconciled her fears around being an assertive woman in what can be a cut throat industry. Learning how to be leader for herself and her clients. She is now well on her way to meeting her goals as she is now one of the top Real Estate Agents locally, even winning an award for being the most active in sales in her Agency during a time of recession. 

The Actress

"I can't believe I got the audition"

An aspiring actress came to see me for the purpose of dealing with her self limiting beliefs around her age and ethnicity, She had gained some success in the acting world but felt as though her perspective around her age and thick German accent was causing her anxiety in her auditions. After a handful of Inner Mind Performance Sessions, she discovered many of her self limiting beliefs were labels she put on herself since she had recently immigrated to Canada. Working through childhood misconceptions and giving her space to accept her cultural differences allowed her to regain her power during an audition. She later on was able to walk into any audition without fear or false beliefs about herself. She was recently casted for an important role in an up and coming tv series. 

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Calgary, AB,

Vancouver, BC,

Langley, BC,

Kelowna, BC


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Tel: 403-689-5655

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